About Vincent

Vincent Sollero, etre-soi.ch

Spiritual and energetic experiences and awakening of consciousness.

In 2008, I underwent a series of energetic and spiritual experiences. Expansions of consciousness, out-of-body experiences, kundalini awakenings, and consciousness awakenings completely altered my rigid and confined perception and conception of life at that time. A search for “who I was,” for truth, had become necessary and evident.


Meditation and Experience of Unity.

Then, one day, having never done it before, I felt the need to sit and meditate. Suddenly, I was everything and everything was in me. All is One.

Meditation became a daily practice. It initially helped me gain perspective on difficult situations and then allowed me to look more deeply into my own inner workings.

I relived this experience of union with everything a few years later while walking in nature. There was no longer the usual separation of the observer and the observed, the nature, the sky, everything external. In that moment, the observer and the observed were one and the same. It was a state of total fulfillment, of absolute, indescribable well-being with an epiphany that answered all my questions at once: I am that.

Questioning and beginning of the inner search.

Coming out of this state, I wondered about the difference between this total fulfillment, absolute peace, and the “ordinary” state with its transient sufferings, difficulties, fleeting joys, and even euphoria, which all seemed superficial compared to that state of fulfillment.

Gradually, deep introspection led me to see clearly that this difference stems from all the thoughts, the ideas of what I think I am. It’s the identification of this I Am, an impersonal consciousness, with the mind and body that makes me live this experience, believing it to be the ego or personality. In other words, it’s the interpretation of life through all my conditioning that makes me live life this way.

The responsibility of my inner state.

Following this introspection, a new realization emerged: I am entirely responsible for my inner state. It is not external factors that determine my well-being, but my interpretation of these phenomena. This led me to see that this interpretation is made through all the mental content, filled with various beliefs and conditioning from identification, obviously generating a “personal” perception of reality, but not the reality itself. It’s a perception, through a fraction of ourselves, leading to a partial, not total interpretation and thus cannot lead to the truth.


Quiet observation and deconditioning.

This was followed by an almost constant observation of my own inner workings. This quiet observation led me to realize that my interpretation of life is through a multitude of beliefs and conditioning, coming from education, family, society, and the entire external context. Especially, I realized that it’s this interpretation that generates my state of well-being or discomfort.

Gradually, with a clear vision of our inner workings, we move from struggle, refusing to see that the blockages and conditioning are within us, to acceptance of what is, bringing the possibility of understanding and liberation.

Through this journey, continuous realizations occur. Everything is there, within us always, but obscured by our unchallenged conditioning and by the veil of perception solely through the ego, the mental content, this fraction of ourselves, and its conditioned interpretation of life.



The purpose of this site is to be useful to those who seek to understand their own functioning in depth.

I have also written a book with a researcher in neuroscience and clinical neuropsychologist interested in studying these so-called “altered” states of consciousness in 2016.

To all, I wish wonderful inner discoveries.

